Rising house prices force new home buyers to borrow €65,000 more than four years ago
Fewer people drew down mortgages last year, but those who did had to borrow more. Figures from mortgage lenders reflect an acute shortage of properties.
Fewer people drew down mortgages last year, but those who did had to borrow more. Figures from mortgage lenders reflect an acute shortage of properties.
The vast majority of estate agents expect property prices to increase this year – but they also believe prices will begin to level off soon.
Here we are at the beginning of 2025 and some clear trends in the property market are visible, most of which point to prices continuing
The European Central Bank (ECB) is due to deliver its fourth interest rate cut today in a move that is expected to boost the mortgage
Defective Concrete Blocks Grant SchemeFrom Department of Housing, Local Government and Heritage Published on 3 July 2023 Last updated on 24 October 2024 What the Defective Concrete
The Minister for Housing, Local Government and Heritage, Darragh O’Brien, has today announced the further development of the Apartment and Duplex Defects Remediation Scheme to
oncern has been raised that the property market is overheating after prices surged again in August. They were up by 10pc, the first time in
Competition for homes intensified so much over the summer that close to 40pc of purchases were made for at least 10pc over the original asking
Finance Minister Jack Chambers has been called on to introduce rules to stop vulture funds acting in what has been described as an unfair manner
The possibility that interest rates have peaked and are set to fall has been cited as one reason for the pace of property price rises
Rising house prices are forcing first-time buyers to borrow more to afford a home. There was an increase in the number of first-time buyers approved
Construction activity fell in November, new data from BNP Paribas Real Estate Ireland has found. The fall in its Construction Total Activity Index is the
he cost of building a typical family home has shot up in the last three years. It now costs so much to build a standard
Tens of thousands of homeowners who have been shielded to date from surging interest rates are at risk of being hammered as their debt is
A lack of properties outside Dublin is continuing to push up rents, even as things stabilise in the capital, with rental stock only a third
New data collected during Census 2022 shows that 21pc of Irish households have two or more spare rooms in their homes, prompting calls for homeowners
New rapid-build, prefabricated technologies will be used to deliver approximately 1,800 social homes over the next two years as the Department of Housing targets more
Property prices in Dublin fell for a sixth consecutive month in April. Prices nationally were stagnant, according to the Central Statistics Office (CSO). The slowdown
Mortgage drawdowns hit a 14-year high at the end of 2022, but first-time buyers are approaching their limits as prices rise faster than they can
Homeowners could be facing another European rate rise this week. The European Central Bank (ECB) is expected to push up its lending rates by at
Savvy first-time buyers are managing to knock up to €100,000 off what they have to borrow for new homes by combining two State support schemes.
THE Government’s First Home shared equity scheme has generated big interest from first-time buyers. New figures show that 1,336 buyers have been approved for the
A second property price report has found prices are falling. But its authors insist we are not heading for a new property price collapse. Asking
The cost of renovating vacant properties to live in is so high it does not make economic sense most of the time to carry out
Government policies have been cited as the main reason the cost of new houses is rising faster than those of second-hand homes. Prices of new
The property market is set for a slowdown in price rises in 2023 as mortgage interest rate rises and cost-of-living increases affect buying ability, according
Finance Minister Paschal Donohoe has introduced a Defective Concrete Products Levy in this year’s budget which will come into force from April 3 next year. The new
The rise in the cost of living is having a significant effect on prospective renters and homebuyers, a new survey has found. According to data
Building costs will continue rising this year but the pace of inflation should slow in coming months, surveyors say. The prices that builders bid for
Having consulted widely and at length with stakeholders and interested parties, the Working Group estimates that of apartments and duplexes (or associated common areas) constructed
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